DOC. 105



art. 23


art. 44

art. 45

art.  46

art. 47-55

art. 56-60
art. 61-63
art. 64-66


Article 23

1. Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa, ie. Libya, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.

2. Pending their final disposal, the said possessions shall continue under their present administration.

3. The final disposal of these possessions shall be determined jointly by the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty, in the manner laid down in the joint declaration of 10 February 1947 issued by the said Governments, which is reproduced in Annex XI.


Article 24

Italy renounces in favour of China all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final Protocol signed at Pekin on 7 September 1901, and all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto, and agrees to the abrogation in respect of Italy of the said protocol, annexes, notes and documents. Italy likewise renounces any claim thereunder to an indemnity.

Article 25

Italy agrees to the cancellation of the lease from the Chinese Government under which the Italian Concession at Tientsin was granted, and to the transfer to the Chinese Government of any property and archives belonging to the municipality of the said Concession.

Article 26

Italy renounces in favour of China the rights accorded to Italy in relation to the International Settlements at Shanghai and Amoy, and agrees to the reversion of the said Settlements to the administration and control of the Chinese Government.


Article 27

Italy recognises and undertakes to respect the sovereignty and independence of the State of Albania.

Article 28

Italy recognises that the Island of Saseno is part of the territory of Albania and renounces all claims thereto.

Article 29

Italy formally renounces in favour of Albania all property (apart from normal diplomatic or consular premises), rights, concessions, interests and advantages of all kinds in Albania, belonging to the Italian State or Italian para-statal institutions. Italy likewise renounces all claims to special interests or influence in Albania, acquired as a result of the aggression of 7 April 1939, or under treaties or agreements concluded before that date.
The economic clauses of the present Treaty, applicable to the Allied and Associated Powers, shall apply to other Italian property and other economic relations between Albania and Italy.


Italian nationals in Albania will enjoy the same juridical status as other foreign nationals, but Italy recognises the legality of all Albanian measures annulling or modifying concessions or special rights granted to Italian nationals provided that such measures are taken within a year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Article 31

Italy recognises that all agreements and arrangements made between Italy and the authorities installed in Albania by Italy from 7 April 1939 to 3 September 1943 are null and void.

Article 32

Italy recognises the legality of any measures which Albania may consider necessary to take in order to confirm or give effect to the preceding provisions.


Article 33

Italy recognises and undertakes to respect the sovereignty and independence of the State of Ethiopia.

Article 34

Italy formally renounces in favour of Ethiopia all property (apart from normal diplomatic or consular premises), rights, interests and advantages of all kinds acquired at any time in Ethiopia by the Italian State, as well as all para-statal property as defined in paragraph 1 of Annex XIV of the present Treaty.

Italy also renounces all claims to special interests or influence in Ethiopia.

Article 35

Italy recognises the legality of all measures which the Government of Ethiopia has taken or may hereafter take in order to annul Italian measures respecting Ethiopia taken after 3 October 1935, and the effects of such measures.

Article 36

Italian nationals in Ethiopia will enjoy the same juridical status as other foreign nationals, but Italy recognises the legality of all measures of the Ethiopian Government annulling or modifying concessions or special rights granted to Italian nationals, provided such measures are taken within a year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Article 37

Within eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, Italy shall restore all works of art, religious objects, archives and objects of historical value belonging to Ethiopia or its nationals and removed from Ethiopia to Italy since 3 October 1935.

Article 38

The date from which the provisions of the present Treaty shall become applicable as regards all measures and acts of any kind whatsoever entailing the responsibility of Italy or of Italian nationals towards Ethiopia, shall be held to be 3 October 1935.


Article 39

Italy undertakes to accept any arrangements which have been or may be agreed for the liquidation of the League of Nations, the Permanent Court of International Justice and also the International Financial Commission in Greece.

Article 40

Italy hereby renounces all rights, titles and claims deriving from the mandate system or from any undertakings given in connection therewith, and all special rights of the Italian State in respect of any mandated territory.

Article 41

Italy recognises the provisions of the Final Act of 31 August 1945, and of the Franco-British Agreement of the same date on the Statute of Tangier, as well as all provisions which may be adopted by the Signatory Powers for carrying out these instruments.

Article 42

Italy shall accept and recognise any arrangements which may be made by the Allied and Associated Powers concerned for the modification of the Congo Basin Treaties with a view to bringing them into accord with the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 43

Italy hereby renounces any rights and interests she may possess by virtue of Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne signed on 24 July 1923.


Article 44

1. Each Allied or Associated Power will notify Italy, within a period of six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, which of its pre-war bilateral treaties with Italy it desires to keep in force or revive. Any provisions not in conformity with the present Treaty shall, however, be deleted from the abovementioned treaties.

2. All such treaties so notified shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

3. All such treaties not so notified shall be regarded as abrogated.


Article 45

1. Italy shall take all necessary steps to ensure the apprehension and surrender for trial of:

(a) Persons accused of having committed, ordered or abetted war crimes and crimes against peace or humanity;

(b) Nationals of any Allied or Associated Power accused of having violated their national law by treason or collaboration with the enemy during the war.

2. At the request of the United Nations Government concerned, Italy shall likewise make available as witnesses persons within its jurisdiction, whose evidence is required for the trial of the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. Any disagreement concerning the application of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be referred by any of the Governments concerned to the Ambassadors in Rome of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France, who will reach agreement with regard to the difficulty.





Article 46

Each of the military, naval and air clauses of the present Treaty shall remain in force until modified in whole or in part by agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers and Italy or, after Italy becomes a member of the United Nations, by agreement between the Security Council and Italy.



Article 47

1 (a) The system of permanent Italian fortifications and military installations along the Franco-Italian frontier, and their armaments, shall be destroyed or removed.

(b) This system is deemed to comprise only artillery and infantry fortifications whether in groups or separated, pillboxes of any type, protected accommodation for personnel, stores and ammunition, observation posts and military cableways, whatever may be their importance and actual condition of maintenance or state of construction, which are constructed of metal, masonry or concrete or excavated in the rock.

2. The destruction or removal, mentioned in paragraph 1 above, is limited to a distance of 20 kilometres from any point on the frontier as defined by the present Treaty, and shall be completed within one year from the coming into force of the Treaty.

3. Any reconstruction of the abovementioned fortifications and installations is prohibited.

4. (a) The following construction to the east of the Franco-Italian frontier is prohibited: permanent fortifications where weapons capable of firing into French territory or territorial waters can be emplaced; permanent military installations capable of being used to conduct or direct fire into French territory or territorial waters; and permanent supply and storage facilities emplaced solely for the use of the abovementioned fortifications and installations.

(b) This prohibition does not include other types of non-permanent fortifications or surface accommodations and installations which are designed to meet only requirements of an internal character and of local defence of the frontiers.

5. In a coastal area 15 kilometres deep, stretching from the Franco-Italian frontier to the meridian of 9deg.30'E, Italy shall not establish any new, nor expand any existing, naval bases or permanent naval installations. This does not prohibit minor alterations to, nor the maintenance in good repair of, existing naval installations provided that their overall capacity will not thereby be increased.

Article 48

1. (a) Any permanent Italian fortifications and military installations along the Italo-Yugoslav frontier, and their armaments, shall be destroyed or removed.

(b) These fortifications and installations are deemed to comprise only artillery and infantry fortifications whether in groups or separated, pillboxes of any type, protected accommodation for personnel, stores and ammunition, observation posts and military cableways, whatever may be their importance and actual condition of maintenance or state of construction, which are constructed of metal, masonry or concrete or excavated in the rock.

2. The destruction or removal, mentioned in paragraph 1 above, is limited to a distance of 20 kilometres from any point on the frontier, as defined by the present Treaty, and shall be completed within one year from the coming into force of the Treaty.

3. Any reconstruction of the abovementioned fortifications and installations is prohibited.

4. (a) The following construction to the west of the Italo-Yugoslav frontier is prohibited: permanent fortifications where weapons capable of firing into Yugoslav territory or territorial waters can be emplaced; permanent military installations capable of being used to conduct or direct fire into Yugoslav territory or territorial waters; and permanent supply and storage facilities emplaced solely for the use of the abovementioned fortifications and installations.

(b) This prohibition does not include other types of non-permanent fortifications or surface accommodations and installations which are designed to meet only requirements of an internal character and of local defence of the frontiers.

5. In a coastal area 15 kilometres deep, stretching from the frontier between Italy and Yugoslavia and between Italy and the Free Territory of Trieste to the latitude of 44deg.50'N and in the islands adjacent to this coast, Italy shall not establish any new, nor expand any existing, naval bases or permanent naval installations. This does not prohibit minor alterations to, nor the maintenance in good repair of, existing naval installations and bases provided that their overall capacity will not thereby be increased.

6. In the Apulian Peninsula east of longitude 17deg.45'E, Italy shall not construct any new permanent military, naval or military air installations nor expand existing installations. This does not prohibit minor alterations to, nor the maintenance in good repair of, existing installations provided that their overall capacity will not thereby be increased. Accommodation for such security forces as may be required for tasks of an internal character and local defence of frontiers will, however, be permitted.

Article 49

1. Pantellaria, the Pelagian Islands (Lampedusa, Lampione and Linosa) and Pianosa (in the Adriatic) shall be and shall remain demilitarised.

2. Such demilitarisation shall be completed within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Article 50

1. In Sardinia all permanent coast defence artillery emplacements and their armaments and all naval installations which are located within a distance of 30 kilometres from French territorial waters shall be removed to the mainland of Italy or demolished within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

2. In Sicily and Sardinia all permanent installations and equipment for the maintenance and storage of torpedoes, sea mines and bombs shall be demolished or removed to the mainland of Italy within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

3. No improvements to, reconstruction of, or extensions of existing installations or permanent fortifications in Sicily and Sardinia shall be permitted; however, with the exception of the northern Sardinia areas described in paragraph 1 above, normal maintenance of such installations or permanent fortifications and weapons already installed in them may take place.

4. In Sicily and Sardinia Italy shall be prohibited from constructing any naval, military and air force installations or fortifications except for such accommodation for security forces as may be required for tasks of an internal character.

Article 51

Italy shall not possess, construct or experiment with (i) any atomic weapon, (ii) any self-propelled or guided missiles or apparatus connected with their discharge (other than torpedoes and torpedo-launching gear comprising the normal armament of naval vessels permitted by the present Treaty), (iii) any guns with a range of over 30 kilometres, (iv) sea mines or torpedoes of non-contact types actuated by influence mechanisms, (v) any torpedoes capable of being manned.

Article 52

The acquisition of war material of German or Japanese origin or design, either from inside or outside Italy, or its manufacture, is prohibited to Italy.

Article 53

Italy shall not manufacture or possess, either publicly or privately, any war material different in type from, or exceeding in quantity, that required for the forces permitted in Sections III, IV and V below.

Article 54

The total number of heavy and medium tanks in the Italian armed forces shall not exceed 200.

Article 55

In no case shall any officer or non-commissioned officer of the former Fascist Militia or of the former Fascist Republican Army be permitted to hold officer's or non-commissioned officer's rank in the Italian Navy, Army, Air Force or Carabinieri, with the exception of such persons as shall have been exonerated by the appropriate body in accordance with Italian law.



Article 56

1. The present Italian Fleet shall be reduced to the units listed in Annex XIIA.

2. Additional units not listed in Annex XII and employed only for the specific purpose of minesweeping, may continue to be employed until the end of the mine clearance period as shall be determined by the International Central Board for Mine Clearance of European Waters.

3. Within two months from the end of the said period, such of these vessels as are on loan to the Italian Navy from other Powers shall be returned to those Powers, and all other additional units shall be disarmed and converted to civilian use.

Article 57

1. Italy shall effect the following disposal of the units of the Italian Navy specified in Annex XIIB:

(a) The said units shall be placed at the disposal of the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France;

(b) Naval vessels required to be transferred in compliance with sub-paragraph (a) above shall be fully equipped, in operational condition including a full outfit of armament stores, and complete with on-board spare parts and all necessary technical data;

(c) The transfer of the naval vessels mentioned above shall be effected within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, except that, in the case of naval vessels that cannot be refitted within three months, the time limit for the transfer may be extended by the Four Governments;

(d) Reserve allowance of spare parts and armament stores for the naval vessels mentioned above shall, as far as possible, be supplied with the vessels.

The balance of reserve spare parts and armament stores shall be supplied to an extent and at dates to be decided by the Four Governments, in any case within a maximum of one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

2. Details relating to the above transfers will be arranged by a Four Power Commission to be established under a separate protocol.

3. In the event of loss or damage, from whatever cause, to any of the vessels in Annex XIIB scheduled for transfer, and which cannot be made good by the agreed date for transfer of the vessel or vessels concerned, Italy undertakes to replace such vessel or vessels by equivalent tonnage from the list in Annex XIIA, the actual vessel or vessels to be substituted being selected by the Ambassadors in Rome of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France.

Article 58

1. Italy shall effect the following disposal of submarines and non-operational naval vessels. The time limits specified below shall be taken as commencing with the coming into force of the present Treaty.

(a) Surface naval vessels afloat not listed in Annex XII, including naval vessels under construction afloat, shall be destroyed or scrapped for metal within nine months.

(b) Naval vessels under construction on slips shall be destroyed or scrapped for metal within nine months.

(c) Submarines afloat and not listed in Annex XIIB shall be sunk in the open sea in a depth of over 100 fathoms within three months.

(d) Naval vessels sunk in Italian harbours and approach channels, in obstruction of normal shipping, shall, within two years, either be destroyed on the spot or salvaged and subsequently destroyed or scrapped for metal.

(e) Naval vessels sunk in shallow Italian waters not in obstruction of normal shipping shall within one year be rendered incapable of salvage.

(f) Naval vessels capable of reconversion which do not come within the definition of war material, and which are not listed in Annex XII, may be reconverted to civilian uses or are to be demolished within two years.

2. Italy undertakes, prior to the sinking or destruction of naval vessels and submarines as provided for in the preceding paragraph, to salvage such equipment and spare parts as may be useful in completing the on-board and reserve allowances of spare parts and equipment to be supplied, in accordance with Article 57, paragraph 1, for all ships specified in Annex XIIB.

3. Under the supervision of the Ambassadors in Rome of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France, Italy may also salvage such equipment and spare parts of a non-warlike character as are readily adaptable for use in Italian civil economy.

Article 59

1. No battleship shall be constructed, acquired or replaced by Italy.

2. No aircraft carrier, submarine or other submersible craft, motor torpedo boat or specialised types of assault craft shall be constructed, acquired, employed or experimented with by Italy.

3. The total standard displacement of the war vessels, other than battleships, of the Italian Navy, including vessels under construction after the date of launching, shall not exceed 67,500 tons.

4. Any replacement of war vessels by Italy shall be effected within the limit of tonnage given in paragraph 3. There shall be no restriction on the replacement of auxiliary vessels.

5. Italy undertakes not to acquire or lay down any war vessels before 1 January 1950, except as necessary to replace any vessel, other than a battleship, accidentally lost, in which case the displacement of the new vessel is not to exceed by more than ten percent the displacement of the vessel lost.

6. The terms used in this Article are, for the purposes of the present Treaty, defined in Annex XIIIA.

Article 60

1. The total personnel of the Italian Navy, excluding any naval air personnel, shall not exceed 25,000 officers and men.

2. During the mine clearance period as determined by the International Central Board for Mine Clearance of European Waters, Italy shall be authorized to employ for this purpose an additional number of officers and men not to exceed 2,500.

3. Permanent naval personnel in excess of that permitted under paragraph 1 shall be progressively reduced as follows, time limits being taken as commencing with the coming into force of the present Treaty:

(a) To 30,000 within six months;

(b) To 25,000 within nine months.

Two months after the completion of minesweeping by the Italian Navy, the excess personnel authorized by paragraph 2 is to be disbanded or absorbed within the above numbers.

4. Personnel, other than those authorized under paragraphs 1 and 2, and other than any naval air personnel authorized under Article 65, shall not receive any form of naval training as defined in Annex XIIIB.



Article 61

The Italian Army, including the Frontier Guards, shall be limited to a force of 185,000 combat, service and overhead personnel and 65,000 Carabinieri, though either of the above elements may be varied by 10,000 as long as the total ceiling does not exceed 250,000. The organisation and armament of the Italian ground forces, as well as their deployment throughout Italy, shall be designed to meet only tasks of an internal character, local defence of Italian frontiers and anti-aircraft defence.

Article 62

The Italian Army, in excess of that permitted under Article 61 above, shall be disbanded within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Article 63

Personnel other than those forming part of the Italian Army or Carabinieri shall not receive any form of military training as defined in Annex XIIIB.



Article 64

1. The Italian Air Force, including any naval air arm, shall be limited to a force of 200 fighter and reconnaissance aircraft and 150 transport, air-sea rescue, training (school type) and liaison aircraft. These totals include reserve aircraft. All aircraft except for fighter and reconnaissance aircraft shall be unarmed. The organisation and armament of the Italian Air Force as well as their deployment throughout Italy shall be designed to meet only tasks of an internal character, local defence of Italian frontiers and defence against air attack.

2. Italy shall not possess or acquire any aircraft designed primarily as bombers with internal bomb-carrying facilities.

Article 65

1. The personnel of the Italian Air Force, including any naval air personnel shall be limited to a total of 25,000 effectives, which shall include combat, service and overhead personnel.

2. Personnel other than those forming part of the Italian Air Force shall not receive any form of military air training as defined in Annex XIIIB.

Article 66

The Italian Air Force, in excess of that permitted under Article 65 above, shall be disbanded within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty.